North Wind Trading data base question

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I would like to use MS Access for are small tile business.
using the North Wind Trading data base as a example that came with MS
In the Orders (form) their is a Orders subform (form) that lists
products.(list box)
North Wind Trading only has 77 products.

My question is can I or how can I make the (list box) display Categories or
Suppliers and then display the products with in that category or from that
Supplier as we have over 1000 products to deal with.

Thank in advance
ToM tHe TiLe GuY
As a quick summary, without opening Northwind, seems to whittle the list
down to manageable size, you'll need cascading Combo Boxes... that is select
the Category/Supplier in the first, and in its AfterUpdate event, reset the
RowSource for the second to only those products in that Category or handled
by that Supplier.

On the other hand, a ComboBox with AutoExpand property = Yes will scroll to
the first match for the characters you have typed, as you type. If the
thousand products have sufficiently unique names, that might work -- but
from a practical view, I rather doubt there are that many unique and obvious
names for tiles.

What version of Access are you using? If someone's going to open Northwind
and take a look, they might as well open the right version.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP
Thanks Larry for the quick feed back

I have created a combo box that will display the categories in a drop down
Now after selecting the category I want.
I would like it to display the products in the same window.

The version of Access that I have is 7
The Northwind Trading database has a form named (Orders) that under
product(Orders Subform)
has a drop down menu that displays only all the products.
Is their a way to create that same type of drop down menu that will
display categories first and then the products from that category.

I am not sure if Access can do this type of fuction or not?
and if so it maybe over my head to write it.

If it is possable and if some can rewite the Orders subform that controls
that fuction
I woud be happy to pay you for that service.

Any programers that can or will do that
e-mail me (e-mail address removed)

ToM tHe TilE gUy