North Wind Trading data base Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas
  • Start date Start date


I would like to use MS Access for are small tile business.
using the North Wind Trading data base as a example that came with MS
In the Orders (form) their is a Orders subform (form) that lists
products.(list box)
North Wind Trading only has 77 products.

My question is can I or how can I make the (list box) display Categories or
Suppliers and then display the products with in that category or from that
Supplier as we have over 1000 products to deal with.

Thank in advance
ToM tHe TiLe GuY
I would like to use MS Access for are small tile business.
using the North Wind Trading data base as a example that came with MS
In the Orders (form) their is a Orders subform (form) that lists
products.(list box)
North Wind Trading only has 77 products.

My question is can I or how can I make the (list box) display Categories or
Suppliers and then display the products with in that category or from that
Supplier as we have over 1000 products to deal with.

Thank in advance
ToM tHe TiLe GuY
Hi Tom,

You can use a filtered query as the rowsource of your listbox:

1. Create a query with a criteria for category id pointing to the Category
control in your form.
2. Create the supplier listbox which uses the filtered query as its row
3. Create the form with the category control that the query is referring to
4. In the AfterUpdate event of the category control, you requery the
supplier listbox so that the list of suppliers are updated depending on
which category is selected.

Hope this helps,