Normalizing Excel data across rows



I have a large spreadsheet (96 by 100) in Excel 2007 of recorded electrical
data. Each row represents data taken from a single source, and each column
represents a time point. I would like to normalize data across each row (i.e.
assign the max value in that row 1, and the min value 0, and distribute the
intermediate values accordingly). This needs to be done for each row
independently and I can't for the life of me figure out how.

Mike H


I would do it in a seperate table outside of your original date. lets say
you first row of data are in A1 to Z1. In a cell lower doen the sheet (say)
a100 enter the formula


then in Z100 enter the formula


Now select these 2 newly created cells and the empty cells in between and then

Edit|Fill - Series and ensure Rows & Linear are selected and Excel will have
calculated the step. Click OK and your data will fill normalised.


Mike H


I would do it in a seperate table outside of your original date. lets say
you first row of data are in A1 to Z1. In a cell lower doen the sheet (say)
a100 enter the formula


then in Z100 enter the formula


Now select these 2 newly created cells and the empty cells in between and then

Edit|Fill - Series and ensure Rows & Linear are selected and Excel will have
calculated the step. Click OK and your data will fill normalised.



Greenstorm said:
I have a large spreadsheet (96 by 100) in Excel 2007 of recorded electrical
data. Each row represents data taken from a single source, and each column
represents a time point. I would like to normalize data across each row (i.e.
assign the max value in that row 1, and the min value 0, and distribute the
intermediate values accordingly). This needs to be done for each row
independently and I can't for the life of me figure out how.

I think you are looking for something like this, pasted into a blank sheet:

=IF('Sheet 1'!A1<>"",('Sheet 1'!A1-MIN('Sheet 1'!1:1))/
(MAX('Sheet 1'!1:1)-MIN('Sheet 1'!1:1)),"")

Assumes your data is on 'Sheet 1' and starts in cell A1. Adjust as needed.


Greenstorm said:
I have a large spreadsheet (96 by 100) in Excel 2007 of recorded electrical
data. Each row represents data taken from a single source, and each column
represents a time point. I would like to normalize data across each row (i.e.
assign the max value in that row 1, and the min value 0, and distribute the
intermediate values accordingly). This needs to be done for each row
independently and I can't for the life of me figure out how.

I think you are looking for something like this, pasted into a blank sheet:

=IF('Sheet 1'!A1<>"",('Sheet 1'!A1-MIN('Sheet 1'!1:1))/
(MAX('Sheet 1'!1:1)-MIN('Sheet 1'!1:1)),"")

Assumes your data is on 'Sheet 1' and starts in cell A1. Adjust as needed.

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