Normalize data types while running Quries

  • Thread starter Thread starter Allison
  • Start date Start date


I have two different linked tables:

Table 1 derives from our Orcale 8 Financial System and the
other is an MS Access database designed by another group.

Whenever I try to perform a select query or make table
query I always have a mismatch expression issue. How can
I normalize both tables to have the same data type for
each field:


Grant# 0796 datatype text

Table 2

Serial # 0796 datatype number

Keep in mind I received a message each time I'm trying to
link the tables together by Grant# or Serial # both of
these numbers are the same but according to Access they
are different???? How can I avod this problem. I have
been manually generating a copy of the query or table to
change the types in each linked table. Is there another
way to accomplish this task?
Best solution would be to change the Access table so the field is a Text

If that is not possible, you could switch your query to SQL View (View
menu), and typecast the field in the FROM clause, i.e.:
JOIN ... ON Table1.[Grant#] = Str([Table 2].[Serial #])

After that you will not be able to switch back to design view, but you
should be able to run the query.