I have a table of measurements made on a number of birds. For each record
there are the measurements and the date, location and identity of the
measurer. On any given occasion one person will measure a number of birds in
the same place on the same day.
My question is: should I have a second 'Occasions' table containing unique
Date/Location/Measurer records that are then reated (one to many) to the main
Measurements table?
This seems to be required for normalization since there appears to be
dependency between the Date/location/Measurer fields if they are in the
Measurements table: for a given date and location most measurements will be
made by the same person. On the other hand the dependency isn't 100%: it's
quite possible to have a different measurer at the same location on the same
date, the same measurer at a different location on the same date etc etc.
The reason I'm hesitant about moving the Date/location/Measurer details to
their own table is that it makes the Table structure harder to understand for
the people who will actually be using it. From their point of view, it makes
more sense to have the cricial date/location/measurer details in the
measurements table rather than having to link to another table every time
they want to use the measurement data.
Am I right in thinking that I should have an Occasions table. And would it
be a heinous crime to ignore to make things more intuitive to the end users?
there are the measurements and the date, location and identity of the
measurer. On any given occasion one person will measure a number of birds in
the same place on the same day.
My question is: should I have a second 'Occasions' table containing unique
Date/Location/Measurer records that are then reated (one to many) to the main
Measurements table?
This seems to be required for normalization since there appears to be
dependency between the Date/location/Measurer fields if they are in the
Measurements table: for a given date and location most measurements will be
made by the same person. On the other hand the dependency isn't 100%: it's
quite possible to have a different measurer at the same location on the same
date, the same measurer at a different location on the same date etc etc.
The reason I'm hesitant about moving the Date/location/Measurer details to
their own table is that it makes the Table structure harder to understand for
the people who will actually be using it. From their point of view, it makes
more sense to have the cricial date/location/measurer details in the
measurements table rather than having to link to another table every time
they want to use the measurement data.
Am I right in thinking that I should have an Occasions table. And would it
be a heinous crime to ignore to make things more intuitive to the end users?