I thought I knew about normalization, but I'm baffled. Our Psychology
deparment want the Mental Status Exam (MSE) in a dbase. The instrument has
normal patient demographic which is read from another dbase. But the exam
part consists of about 50 or more questions. Some have mutually exclusive
forced choice answers, but many need to allow for more than one answer
(selected from a combo or listbox that is based on library tables). For most
question, they also want an "other" field, that would allow narrative info to
be entered. I thought I give the demographic part a unique ID. This ID is
then read into the exam part and is the linked field.
However, if the exam table has 50-80 fields, I just have a flat file. But I
just can't think of a way to break this down; there are no smaller components.
The MSE has domains, e.g., appearance, mood, language skills. Each domain
may have 10 -15 questions. I thought about creating tables for the domains,
and then use the questions from that domain linked by the unique ID field
with the other tables. But this seems the same thing like having all in on
table, just broke up into several tables which doesn't seem to make sense.
To go further, to accomplish data entry, I suppose I need to create subforms
(linked to the demographic parent form). How in the world do I accomodate
50-90 questions in subforms even if I break them down into the before
mentioned domaine tables.
I don't know how to handle this, can anyone help. A form of the MSE can be
found at http://www.psychpage.com/learning/library/advpract/mse.html.
Coordination and gait are an instance where there could be more than one
Outcome needs to be at this point simply a form that gives the examiner the
data just entered, but we may want to get summary reports at a later date.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Brigitte P.
deparment want the Mental Status Exam (MSE) in a dbase. The instrument has
normal patient demographic which is read from another dbase. But the exam
part consists of about 50 or more questions. Some have mutually exclusive
forced choice answers, but many need to allow for more than one answer
(selected from a combo or listbox that is based on library tables). For most
question, they also want an "other" field, that would allow narrative info to
be entered. I thought I give the demographic part a unique ID. This ID is
then read into the exam part and is the linked field.
However, if the exam table has 50-80 fields, I just have a flat file. But I
just can't think of a way to break this down; there are no smaller components.
The MSE has domains, e.g., appearance, mood, language skills. Each domain
may have 10 -15 questions. I thought about creating tables for the domains,
and then use the questions from that domain linked by the unique ID field
with the other tables. But this seems the same thing like having all in on
table, just broke up into several tables which doesn't seem to make sense.
To go further, to accomplish data entry, I suppose I need to create subforms
(linked to the demographic parent form). How in the world do I accomodate
50-90 questions in subforms even if I break them down into the before
mentioned domaine tables.
I don't know how to handle this, can anyone help. A form of the MSE can be
found at http://www.psychpage.com/learning/library/advpract/mse.html.
Coordination and gait are an instance where there could be more than one
Outcome needs to be at this point simply a form that gives the examiner the
data just entered, but we may want to get summary reports at a later date.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Brigitte P.