Joe said:
Can anyone normalise this from UNF up to 3NF???
Seller Number[PK]
Seller Name
Seller Address
Property Ref Number
Property Valuation
Property Asking Price
Lawyer Number
Lawyer Name
Lawyer Address
Contract Number
Date Contract Signed
Viewing Date (Repeating)
Viewing Comments (Repeating)
Any help would be much appreciated Thanks
Seller Record - one record for each Seller
Seller Number[PK]
Seller Name
Seller Address
Rest of seller information
Property Record - one record for each Contract
Property Ref Number
Property Valuation
Property Asking Price
Property Address
Rest of property information
Lawyer Record - one record for each Lawyer
Lawyer Number
Lawyer Name
Lawyer Address
Rest of Lawyer information
Contract Record - one record for each Contract or Contract/Property
Contract Number
Seller Number
Property Number
Rest of the contract infromation
Contract Signing Record - Many records for signing
of a contract. Contract record to Contract Signing Record
is a one to many
Contract Number
Property Number
Date Contract Signed
Viewing Date
Viewing Comments
Lawyer Assigned to Contract Record - Many Records for assigning
a lawyer(s) to a contract. Contract record to Lawyer Assigned
Record is one to many.
Lawyer Number
Contract Number
Property Number
Date Lawyer Assigned
I hope this helps, you didn't say if a contract can have many lawyers
assigned to a contract
and if there are many signing of a contract. If you have 5 date fields
for signing and a contract
ends-up with 6 signings, the database won't be able to handle it. Also,
the seller many not be
selling their home, they may be selling another property. Or you can
sell several properties under
one contract and have different lawyers assigned to a property. You may
need to change the PK's
of the tables and add more tables.
Many properties to each contract.
Many lawyers to each contract / property combination
My first pass assumed there was one contract for each different
property, so I hope I didn't miss