normalemail.dotm isn't being used

  • Thread starter Thread starter BullseyeQHiggins
  • Start date Start date



I want to use a custom set of heading 1-9 fonts/bullets as a template
for new emails. I've used these fonts/bullets as a template in Word
for some time by modifying normal.dotm. New Word docs open just fine
with fonts and bullets as expected.

I've tried a couple methods to have new emails open with those same
fonts/bullets but no luck.

Plan A) I modified normalemail.dotm just as I did normal.dotm to add
bullets and custom fonts to Heading1 - 9. (While Outlook was closed
of course.) When I open a new email, however, only the _fonts_ for
Heading 1 - 9 are correct from the modified template but the bullets
don't show.

Plan B) As a workaround, I tried creating a Quick style set which
contains the correct formats/bullets for Heading 1-9 and setting that
to be the default quick style set (using the Change Styles/Set as
Default choice), and the same thing happens: new emails have the
correct fonts for Heading 1 - 9 but not the correct bullets. I do
know the style set works, however. If I manually choose this style
set on each email, bullets and fonts are correct -- but if I don't
choose it, only the fonts and not the bullet formats are used.

Any ideas on how to either get new messages to use the
normalemail.dotm template fonts/bullets or failing that, to get the
quick style set fonts/bullets to actually be used when the quick style
set is default?

Thanks in advance.
No one?

Maybe I posted to the wrong group? If so, please help me figure out
the right one...

Having the same problem and I've been researching this for a while with no
luck. I use a multilevel list for bullets in email, and even though I
changed my normalemail.dotm file to include the new list style, the list
style doesn't show up in the Outlook multilevel list menu.

Me too. NormalEmail.dotm in Outlook 2007 just doesn't work like Normal.dotm
in Word 2007. I've been trying to set the default tabs in New Mail Message
to 1.0cm rather than 1.27cm. No luck to date.