I want to generate random numbers in VBA. I also want to dictate the
upper and lower bounds of the random number. I know how to do this
using the Rnd Function. As follows:
RandomNum = Int((UpperBounds - LowerBounds) + 1)* Rnd +
However, given the short comings of the RND function I have come
across Myrna Larsons code for a normal distribtion (See below). How
do you incorporate the upper/lower bound logic from above into Myrna's
code? Thanks in advance.
Function RandomNormal(Optional Mean As Double = 0, _
Optional SD As Double = 1) As Double
'This function is to enable to use normal distrubtion vs the Rnd
function which is uniform
'This function can be called if a uniform distrubution is not
Static HaveX1 As Boolean
Dim V1 As Double, V2 As Double, S As Double
Static X1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
If HaveX1 = False Then
V1 = Rnd() * 2 - 1
V2 = Rnd() * 2 - 1
S = V1 * V1 + V2 * V2
Loop While S >= 1# Or S = 0#
S = Sqr(-2 * Log(S) / S)
X1 = V1 * S
X2 = V2 * S
HaveX1 = True
RandomNormal = X2 * SD + Mean
HaveX1 = False
RandomNormal = X1 * SD + Mean
End If
End Function 'RandomNormal
upper and lower bounds of the random number. I know how to do this
using the Rnd Function. As follows:
RandomNum = Int((UpperBounds - LowerBounds) + 1)* Rnd +
However, given the short comings of the RND function I have come
across Myrna Larsons code for a normal distribtion (See below). How
do you incorporate the upper/lower bound logic from above into Myrna's
code? Thanks in advance.
Function RandomNormal(Optional Mean As Double = 0, _
Optional SD As Double = 1) As Double
'This function is to enable to use normal distrubtion vs the Rnd
function which is uniform
'This function can be called if a uniform distrubution is not
Static HaveX1 As Boolean
Dim V1 As Double, V2 As Double, S As Double
Static X1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
If HaveX1 = False Then
V1 = Rnd() * 2 - 1
V2 = Rnd() * 2 - 1
S = V1 * V1 + V2 * V2
Loop While S >= 1# Or S = 0#
S = Sqr(-2 * Log(S) / S)
X1 = V1 * S
X2 = V2 * S
HaveX1 = True
RandomNormal = X2 * SD + Mean
HaveX1 = False
RandomNormal = X1 * SD + Mean
End If
End Function 'RandomNormal