Yeah, was hoping to play some of the newer games. Anyways still hunting
for some game thats good and can be played on my notebook. The config I
have is as follows, any suggestions are most welcome:
Googling shows the SiS650 integrates the SiS645 northbridge with the SiS315
graphics core. According to this article, , it's competitive with the likes
of a Geforce2 MX. Older titles like Quake III can run at full speed at max
quality settings. Depending on the maturity of the drivers, newer games will
work, too, but the speed will be dead-slow.
So is there such a thing as a video card that can be plugged into the
PC card slot - maybe not for my notebook - but I was just curious as to
whether there are video cards that can be used with the PC card slot or
some external port or some such(pardon the naivete

Upgradable video cards exist for laptops. nVidia's version is called mobile
AGP package (MAP). ATi's have names like E32 or S64. It's a plug-in circuit
board the size of a 3.5" floppy disk containing both the GPU and video RAM.
The MAP card can be upgraded as easily as adding more SODIMM memory or
replacing the hard disk.
Only select high-end laptops have the MAP slot. And nVidia and ATi MAP cards
are obviously not interchangeable. Since your laptop's video is integrated
into the northbridge (and more importantly, it's SiS), you cannot upgrade
the video.