(NONE) File Folder



I kinda stuffed something up when trying to change the default folder icon. I
went into a folder, clicked Tools, Folder Options, File Types.
Selected File Folder. and browsed for the alt icon. after setting the icon i
started getting problems...

When i try to open a folder now, it opens up the windows search tool (set to
search the folder). i managed to change it so that it now opens folders in
explorer, but in a new window. grrr

Im really stuck

I looked at the Folder entry in the file types list, and that has Explore
and Open in its actions. But i cant view the properties of the Open action. I
dont want to experiment too much as i dont seem to be able to remove actions
from the list.

Please help

David Candy

Type in Start Run
regsvr32 /i shell32

Due to a bug in File Types you need to do this each time you edit drives or file folder.

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