[snip]Re: nonags.com gone shareware ???
omega said:[snip]Re: nonags.com gone shareware ???
It has always included shareware, together with freeware.
No-nags shareware. And of course no-nags freeware, too, but
that is redundant.
But is http://www.k7v.com/nonags/emt.html really Nonags?
It has a different design and address...
»Q« said:Yes. Choose any nonags mirror and navigate to the freeware e-mail
utilities page to find the sponsored shareware at the top of the list.
To me, it looks like exactly the same design as the main site.
John Corliss said:It's a mirror. There are many, I use this particular one all the time.
True, but like you did there, so I do also...Look at the program that they have listed just for members to
download. These are just the ones I took the time to search for.
omega said:One thing I've finally learnt the long way, about Nonag mirrors. It's
to pay attention when landing on one from something like a Google search.
I've a number of times had a situation where I wasted a lot of time opening
90% dead links. Seems there are a lot of static old mirrors, stopped being
updated years ago, left still hanging around. My lesson is to now check by
Nonag's front door, to verify whether a mirror is active, or whether it's
a leftover museum.
But I clearly see the words NEW FREEWARE on this page when you click the
Cookie said:NoNags might not be a shareware site but they sure are a
crap site.
SO which is the best (i.e. most comprehensive and up to date)
place to look for freeware?
Members can download the software from the Nonags server,
otherwise, the author's server download link is provided.
Although I am a NonagsPlus member, this is not a big deal to me
because I *ALWAYS* go to the author's page to download. I often
find last minute changes, warnings, and so on posted by the
author on their own site, that haven't yet reached the other
sites' pages.
There is only one download link provided for
the items marked "members" For example look on this page
http://www.nonags.com/nonags/security.html the very last program
is DeskLock the ONLY link that they supply is this one
which is for members only. To be a member you have to pay. So they
are making people pay for freeware.
»Q« said:Both programs at the bottom of that page are marked 'members' and
neither has a homepage that I can find. Are there programs listed at
Nonags which do have homepages but whose homepages are not linked to
by Nonags?
Both programs at the bottom of that page are marked 'members' and
neither has a homepage that I can find. Are there programs
listed at
Nonags which do have homepages but whose homepages are not
linked to by
Here are atleast two.
http://www.nonags.com/nonags/webt.html They have it listed without
the homepage.
StartPage Guard
I also found ScripTrap.It was on the secuirty page two days ago
without a homepage. I sent an email to Robin who said
"I will ask them to remove my software since this scheme totally
goes against the freeware ethic."
They seem to list hard to find/abandonware more. A lot of the
programs are from 2000 or even 2002 and don't seem to have offical
homepages anymore.