Okay, maybe you can help me here then. I found a way to
do two fields with the primary key set as random. When I
add a third field though, it gives me a run time error on
the next to last line.
Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Table1 "
strSQL = strSQL & "(Code, Name)"
strSQL = strSQL & " VALUES ("
strSQL = strSQL & (Int((99999 - 10000 + 1) * Rnd() +
strSQL = strSQL & ",""" & Me!Name & """);"
Debug.Print strSQL
db.Execute strSQL
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
Yes, what we are attempting is basically a five
ID, 10000 - 99999, that will appear to be random. That
way our staff doesn't catch on to any patterns and
attempt to use false approval codes.
Except for the non-reuse restriction, you could use a
VBA function like
this to return a pseudo-random approval code in the
range 10000 - 99999:
'----- start of code -----
Function NewApprovalCode() As Long
Dim lngCode As Long
Static blnRandomized As Boolean
If Not blnRandomized Then
blnRandomized = True
End If
lngCode = Int((Rnd() * 90000)) + 10000
NewApprovalCode = lngCode
End Function
'----- end of code -----
I designed the routine to return a number value, rather
than a string,
but it could easily be modified to return the code as a
character string. The modified lines would be just:
Function NewApprovalCode() As String
NewApprovalCode = Format(lngCode, "00000")
However, the non-reuse issue isn't quite so simple. Do
you really need
to check that no new approval code has already been
used? If so, you
must have a table somewhere in which the approval codes
are stored, and
thus you'll need to do a lookup in the function to
verify that the code
that was just generated hasn't been used already, and
loop until you
come up with one that hasn't. Or else, you could put a
unique index on
that field in the table, and let the attempt to save the
record generate
an error. But I don't know enough about the context in
which you'd be
doing this to give you advice as to the best way to do
Note that random numbers in a range of only 90000
possibilities are
going to generate a substantial number of collisions. I
hope you're not
planning to generate many of these.
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
(please reply to the newsgroup)