Non Linear Presentations

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Is there a way I can make a presentation viewable to the slide order I choose.

Instead of playing the next slide when the mouse is clicked I would like it
to jump to a slide of my choosing.

So the presentation would not go slide 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 etc

It would go Slide 1 then slide 5 then slide 6 then slide 3.

Any ideas?
Thanks for your reply John.

This is not exactly what I was looking for - I am to change the order of the
slides without requiring the user to click on a button.

I am using buttons to allow the user to jump to a different part of the
presentation, but then I would like it to automatically return to the buttons
slide after one or two slides.
That look like it might work - I do know the order beforehand.

But is there anyway to put in a loop or a goto slide?

so for instance I would use a custom show to play a certain few slides and
at the end of them I would have a slide which would automatically (i.e. no
button) goto the beginning slide again
If you set the setting in slide show > set up show to loop continuously until
esc then the custom show will loop. The main show would too but you can add
an end show button at the end. Make sure you tick show and return when
setting up the link to custom shows.

I have used custom shows extensively. I created a training series of
presentations that include a jeopardy game, flashcard set, and self-test.
These presentations have several custom shows embedded that allow the user to
select their path through the materials by clicking hyperlinked action
buttons. In the flashcard presentation the custom shows allow the user to
view the cards in up/down series (1-10, 10-1, etc.) I generated a random
number sequence and created a custom show using this sequence to give the
appearance of shuffling the flashcard deck.

The MS theory behind a custom show is that a company has an orientation
presentation. Time card workers need to view slides 1-10, 15, 25-30.
Management personnel need to view 1-10, 20-30, and Salaried personnel need to
view 5-10, 11-25. The recommended method is to use one presentation with
three custome shows, instead of creating three presentations which would
require three updates to change any common slide.

For ease of use, a button board with three options is the starting slide.
The presenter, or user selects the appropriate slide show.

Let us say that a custom slide show sequence is 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 5, 7, and
that slide 3 has a hyperlink action button that jumps to slide 6. When the
user selects this button, slide 6 is shown, since this was a jump command to
a slide outside of the custom show, when the user exits slide 6, the
presentation will jump back to slide 3. If slide 6 has a jump button to slide
8, then the presentation will still jump back to slide 3, after slide 8 is

I used your method to modify an existing training show that has 5 modules.
I placed 5 action buttons on a beginning slide, and then a return to
beginning button at the end slide for each of the 5 modules. That works

Now, when I package this for distribution, how do I give the user the
opportunity to view the whole show or to view each module individually?

Pete Trotter

I would add the beginning slide as the last slide within each custom show.
This removes the need to force the user click a back to begining button.

The whole show can be built as separate custom show, called main show.

PPT 2003- On the Slide show menu the Setup show option allows you to direct
which of the embedded custom shows is the primary show. Your button board
should have a full show button (main show), as well as the sub show buttons.
This allows the user to view custom show 1, or 2 and then to select the full
show without closing and re-opening the presentation.

To reduce file size, navigation buttons, should be placed on the master slide.
Most shows have standard nav buttons of back/previous, forward/next,
begining, end, information.

I have found that the PPT viewer programs for 2000 and higher handle the
custom shows without too many glitches, but the web interfaces can get