Non-Functional Browser


Dawn Olson

XP Home, IE6 (most current), Ad-Aware (most current)

When I open IE the task bar says it is going to the MSN
homepage, then page not available. I have tried putting
in other websites and all web pages are unavailable. My
internet connection is active. HELP!

Dawn Olson


the same happens to me, I cannot read y free e-mail
(homail but also Yahoo) what can we doooooo??????


Dr. Jose

-----Original Message-----
XP Home, IE6 (most current), Ad-Aware (most current)

When I open IE the task bar says it is going to the MSN
homepage, then page not available. I have tried putting
in other websites and all web pages are unavailable. My
internet connection is active. HELP!

Dawn Olson
I am having a similiar crisis. If you find a solution
send it to me. I'm running win98 w/IE6 and I am getting a
clicking sound and lockup on my "can't open" page.
1. How are you getting online? (I'm using another cpu)
2. Have you tried running a diagnostic with Norton's or
any other tool ?
3. Have you explored IE through your system and tried
it's "repair" function? (It wouldn't work with me but you
might try.)
4. Have you tried a "salute and about-face?" On last
resort you might have to simply delete and re-install.
(In my profession it's called a Lobotomy) I've done this
several times with Win98. It's painless, just a
little "scary," and often effective.
5. Good luck and send a note if you're successful. Dr. J.


Hi, I too have been plauged with lockups since installing ie6 on my
Win 98 machine. The worst problems where when I tried to open pdf
files. Today I downloaded the latest activex, java, and shockwave
files and although it seemed to have the same lockup problem, as I sat
here depressed, it managed to clear itself and then opened up the
page. I have tested it on every pdf file I could find on google and
it works. After one very slow page opening it seems to open the
following pdf pages rapidly. When I rebooted the machine it was again
slow on pdf files but managed to clear itself and the following pdf
files opened fast. Good Luck!! Den

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