Non-Expiring Data Sim Card?


Feb 23, 2002
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There are plenty of data-only sim card contacts and PAYG sim cards with expiry dates (30 days usually), but I was wondering if anyone knows of a data sim card that either doesn't expire or has a very long expiry date (2 years+)?

I've got a mobile data hotspot which I can top-up selectively, however once a certain period has passed then the sim card is marked as inactive. Any data package I buy for it also only last for a very short time (the max is 30 days).

Is anyone aware of such a thing? I've had a look around and can't see one anymore, but I know that they used to exist a few years ago.
The longest expiry date that I can seemingly find, is six-months. They are listed on this website:
Is that the kind of thing you had in mind?

We were caught-out recently. Driving to an appointment, we realised we were going to be late, due to traffic. It was only when I tried to make a call, that I found that I couldn't. There was plenty of credit, but, due to not making a call for about 30 days, we were cut off. That was handy... not! :rolleyes:
Thanks TC! Those providers are better than the one I'm on at the moment, but 6 months is still a bit short of what I'd be after - I'll probably just make do with the one I've got and keep topping it up as required.

We were caught-out recently. Driving to an appointment, we realised we were going to be late, due to traffic. It was only when I tried to make a call, that I found that I couldn't. There was plenty of credit, but, due to not making a call for about 30 days, we were cut off. That was handy... not! :rolleyes:

That's ridiculous! :eek: 30 days without a call is far too short a time to cut someone off when they're in credit! I imagine they put limits like this in places to drive people away that aren't making enough calls. Maybe set an calendar reminder to make a 1 second call to your landline on the first of each month, that'll keep it ticking over :D.
Does not help you any, but here, it is not about (in)activity, it is about topping up your account — you need to do it at least once a year.
Does not help you any, but here, it is not about (in)activity, it is about topping up your account — you need to do it at least once a year.

That seems like a much more reasonable way of doing things :).