non English characters on the command line

  • Thread starter Thread starter SharkD
  • Start date Start date


Could someone please describe a reliable method of using non English
characters on the command line?

For instance the following works:

C:\>echo öööö

But this doesn't:

C:\>echo öööö > temp.txt

Also, if I use the last command in a batch file it works, but the
console displays weird characters:

C:\>echo ├╢├╢├╢├╢ 1>temp.txt

I have also had other issues with passing non English strings to
different command line programs that are related to the above, but are
harder to track down.

Another example.

The following works fine if I copy and paste each line separately into
the command line window:

echo Trust in Trance 2, by Various Artists. Track 1. Mahadeva, by
Astral Projection, featuring D.J. Jörg. > "J:\My Music\_textspeech
start "ptt" /low /b /wait "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.exe" -w "J:\My
Music\_textspeech\speech_audio.wav" -v 75 < "J:\My Music\_textspeech
start "sox" /low /b /wait "J:\ProgsWin\sox-14.3.0\sox.exe" -m -v 1 "J:
\My Music\_textspeech\speech_audio.wav" -v 1 "J:\My Music\Various
Artists\Miscellaneous\Astral Projection feat. DJ
Jörg_01_Mahadeva_128k.ogg" "J:\My Music\_textspeech\mixed_audio.wav"
start "ogg" /low /b /wait "J:\ProgsWin\oggenc283\oggenc2.exe" -q 2 -o
"J:\My Music\Various Artists\Miscellaneous\Astral Projection feat. DJ
Jörg_01_Mahadeva_096k_mix.ogg" "J:\My Music\_textspeech

However, when I try to run the same commands from within a batch file,
they fail and produce the results I described, as well as "file not
found" errors.
