non domain computers

  • Thread starter Thread starter DEI
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I have some stand alone computers that are not getting dns from my windows
domain dns. Is there a setting that only allows domain computers dns?

Hello DEI,

How did you configure the ip settings, from DHCP server or fixed on the workstation?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
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Hello DEI,

Please post an unedited ipconfig /all from one client and the DNS server.

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
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DEI said:
I have some stand alone computers that are not getting dns from my windows
domain dns. Is there a setting that only allows domain computers dns?


(It is possible -- and a good idea usually -- to restrict dynamic
to those computers which can authenticated, but not for RESOLUTION.)

Theorectically there could be an IP address filter, but that would be
completely outside of DNS and the domain, and you would likely
know if you implemented such a highly custom strategy.