Noisy PC


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Like most PCs my daughter's has always made a slight noise, presumably from the fans. Over the last few days, though, the noise is much louder. The PC itself is working perfectly normally in every way.

Any ideas as to what might cause this? First thing I thought about was to get inside the PC and give it a good clean out.

What else can I do?
I don't think you will fit inside the case. ;)

The graphic card fan is one of the main culprits for generating noise, especially when "dusty" and one of the fiddly-est to clean ... sometime it's better to fit a new fan.

The next obvious fan is the CPU fan ... this again I used to just replace, it only has four little screws holding the fan onto the heatsynk ... at least you can remove it for easy cleaning, but be careful not to over tighten when putting it back on the HS

then the case fans, these should be easy to clean/replace as needed

The yanks like to use compressed air, some of us just use a vacuum cleaner, carefully.

Good luck in your endeavour to "get inside" your PC :D

I've used a vacum cleaner on my PC's for at least 15 years - no probs.

The extra noise is almost certainly a failing fan, it's a case of identifying and replacing, really, this can be accomplished by a process of elimination. Disconnecting/reconnecting individual fans for a short period.

In some scenarios, fans can become loose and bearings worn and the assorted vibrations can set up noisy harmonic frequencies but that's quite rare.
Well, tonight I got into my daughter's PC (and, yes, it was a tight squeeze ;) ).

It contained a binful of dust which I carefully brushed and hoovered out. When I restarted the PC it was incredibly quiet. I'm hoping that the problem is sorted but I'll have to wait a bit longer to be sure. Let's hope the fans do not need replacing just yet.
muckshifter said:
I don't think you will fit inside the case. ;)

Good luck in your endeavour to "get inside" your PC :D


He he you can get inside a pc
