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I am wondering why my new computer makes funny noises,
like a tinny noise or banging, something wierd. Sometimes
the noises are when I can't move from one screen to
another unless I check something.Those noises I
understand, however, it makes other noises for no
apparent reason, I think. Could it be my little doggie
companion? It's not like it barks or anything.Any help is

Go to control panel and open <Sounds and Multimedia>. select the
"sounds" tab and under "scheme" (about halfway down the window) select
"No Sounds" from the drop-down.

If this makes the noises go away, what you are hearing are sounds that
windows makes to accompany various actions (apparently MS thinks we
don't have enough noise in our lives).

If you actually like this stuff, you can then go back into <Sounds and
Multimedia> and set up whatever sounds light your candle .... but
please, if you are at work in an open office, please don't be a jerk -
leave the sounds off).