"Markus Gärtner" said in news:
[email protected]:
during I play some music (CD, mpec3, ...) with my computer
(Asus-Board, Soundblaster 32), out of the speakers all the time there
are some buzzy noises. They aren´t based from the speakers, but from
the soundcard. Do you know it realy is the soundcard and so when I
buy a newer one I have no problem anymore?
Thank you.
Actually the buzzy noise could be "based from the speakers". Are they
powered speakers? If so, you might have sources putting noise on the AC
power line, like a refridgerator turning on, a humidifier turning off,
someone running a hair dryer, and so on. I have powered speakers that
were plugged directly into the wall. Although I have a UPS, I wasn't
concerned about hearding sounds during a power outage but would rather
get my real work done. This was for the box at home. When the
refridgerator started up, I could hear a very faint background buzz.
When my tabletop humidifier shuts off, it actually doesn't just snap off
but seems to flutter off as the humidity level gets reached and that
causes a few-second buzz noise. Someone running a hair dryer creates
buzz everywhere (computer, television, stereo, etc.). The noises went
away when I moved the power for the speakers to the UPS (which has a
huge isolation transformer and line conditioning) and when I made a
better shielded extension cable for the rear speakers.
It's confusing when you say "all the time" and then say "some". Is the
buzzy sound continuous when it appears? Or does it sputter in an out?
Is the sound itself constant or is it fluctuating in pitch, rate, or
other quality (which makes it sound like it is varying)?
Does the CD drive have both analog and digital outputs? That is, other
than the ribbon cable, is there a digital or SPDIF out that is connected
to an SPDIF in on a sound card? And, if so, is the analog audio output
also connected? Just decide to use one output, probably the analog one.