Windows XP NoDrivers

Jan 27, 2006
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Hello everyone,

well i have a windows XP Pro version and i run the NoDrivers.reg on it. the contente of this file is:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

now i can't see the C: partition. how can i reverce that in order to be able to see the C: again. i am the administrator of that computer and we ujually Hide the C: from the users.

Thank you
Well Basically To Hide The C: Partition In Case You Have Two Partitions And You Don't Want The Users To Messe With The System Files.
start regedit.
navigate to:

right click on the line: NoDrives reg_dword 0x0000004
and delete it.
right click on the line: NoDriveTypeAutoRun
select modify, value data should be 95 hexadecimal
ok, and close regedit.
You may need to logoff/on or reboot to see the effects.
thankx tjm4fun i will apply the changes to see if they work another thing how can i hide another driver let's say D: for instance?

Thank you
To what extent do you want to hide the drive? as in it;s not showing in my computer?
or not showing in explorer, my computer, command prompt?
will the user need to access the drive to run programs?
or are you just trying to keep end users from installing stuff there, or altering any files there?
just to hide it from my computer's liste you can still see it by exploring.
get tweakui for xp. you can turn off any drive form displaying in my computer.