Brian Henry
I need a way to give each node an id number onto of what the text is being
displayed so i can access data in a database... how would i do this? this is
an example
RootNode (data: root)
+ Child1 (data: ID000001)
+ Child2 (data: ID000002)
+---ChildOfChild1 (data: ID0000003)
I thought tags would work by giving a structured data type as the object,
but i cant seem to figure out how to convert the tag back into the data...
any help or ideas would be real nice, thanks!
displayed so i can access data in a database... how would i do this? this is
an example
RootNode (data: root)
+ Child1 (data: ID000001)
+ Child2 (data: ID000002)
+---ChildOfChild1 (data: ID0000003)
I thought tags would work by giving a structured data type as the object,
but i cant seem to figure out how to convert the tag back into the data...
any help or ideas would be real nice, thanks!