Nod32 antivirus in the same time with Norton

Jun 7, 2008
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I have installed in Vista system norton and is running good. Now i try to install nod32 antivirus but computer said cannot use two antivirus programs in the same time.Is a mistake?I want to make my pc more secure.

Welcome to PC Review,

You are not able to use 2 AV programs togher as they can create virus and cousre lots of problems, Take my advice and remove norton and Install NOD 32 its much better you will be happy with it. Norton is a rescure hog and slows down you pc. Hope this helps.


No, it is not a mistake ... it is advised to only have one AV program running.

If you want to make you computer more secure, do not go on the internet. ;)

One or the other, they won't work together.

Your choice but if it were me I'd go with NOD 32.

And if you want to make your computer more secure (as Mucks said), just pull the CAT5 plug :lol: