ME: A newbie. Just acquired first PC (three months ago) after a fairly long
and chequered life. Desktop. All the bells and whistles, running XP home.
Outlook Express. Broadband connection.
PROBLEM: No email information on:
(a) Welcome screen (there in the begining and then disappeared -something
I did, probably)
(b) Notification area/systray (never there)
I have few emails (lucky me) and either service would satisfy.
(a) Tweek UI download (twice) Nil result.
(b) Systray icon resting very quietly in 'Past Items' section of right
clicked Customised/Customized Notifications window. No amount of 'always
show' changes it's position. Needs to be awoken and put to work. But how?
HOPE: Someone's got an answer that doesn't involve trips to the registry
(wherever that may be) or alterations to long strings of incomprehensibles.
and chequered life. Desktop. All the bells and whistles, running XP home.
Outlook Express. Broadband connection.
PROBLEM: No email information on:
(a) Welcome screen (there in the begining and then disappeared -something
I did, probably)
(b) Notification area/systray (never there)
I have few emails (lucky me) and either service would satisfy.
(a) Tweek UI download (twice) Nil result.
(b) Systray icon resting very quietly in 'Past Items' section of right
clicked Customised/Customized Notifications window. No amount of 'always
show' changes it's position. Needs to be awoken and put to work. But how?
HOPE: Someone's got an answer that doesn't involve trips to the registry
(wherever that may be) or alterations to long strings of incomprehensibles.