No xp hard copy, it was just on my hard drive



I need to know if i can download windows xp and use my
product key on the side of my computer to recover xp? My
hard drive is totally gone. The computer was bought at a
walmart with no hard copies (CD). this would not be
illegal would it? I have my product key, just the window
xp operating system was not backed up on a cd and i
thought i could get a copy of that from microsoft website
but i am having trouble finding it. Or can i do this? If
not i might have to try linux or something :) just kidding

Please help

Will Denny


You can't download XP from the Microsoft web site. If you are without an XP
CD, I'm afraid you will have to purchase another copy.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Rich,

You need to contact the system manufacturer for replacement media. Microsoft
does not make WinXP (or any other version of Windows) available as a
download, nor does it replace media for preinstalled systems. Then
manufacturer is responsible for that.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Don Burnette

Rich said:
I need to know if i can download windows xp and use my
product key on the side of my computer to recover xp? My
hard drive is totally gone. The computer was bought at a
walmart with no hard copies (CD). this would not be
illegal would it? I have my product key, just the window
xp operating system was not backed up on a cd and i
thought i could get a copy of that from microsoft website
but i am having trouble finding it. Or can i do this? If
not i might have to try linux or something :) just kidding

Please help

Most likely it was an oem install of XP, and the mfg did not include either
the xp cd, nor a recovery disc. Most reputable mfg's the install oem copy of
XP, will at least send a restore cd that can be used to restore your hard
drive to exactly like it was when you received it.

Unfortunately, since it is oem, you are probably going to have to buy a
retail version of XP. If you have a windows 98/ME cd, you can purchase the
upgrade version rather than the full retail. Upgrade and Full are identical,
only difference is with the upgrade you will be prompted to insert your
qualifying media cd as proof. You DO NOT need to install 98 or Me to do
this, just have the cd rom available to you.

You may want to try contacting the mfg of the computer, and see if they can
help you first - I'd say chances are probably slim. If nothing else, raise
hell and complain about not getting any type of restore cd.

Harry Ohrn

Windows operating systems are not available for download without a
subscription to MSDN. Without a subscription any version you download is

Wal-mart did nothing illegal.When you bought the computer from Wal-mart it
had an OEM version of XP Home installed. OEM versions are not supported by
Microsoft. You will need to contact the vender and see if they will supply
you with an OEM copy of XP Home to install on your system. Some will do that
for a small fee.

Your Product Key should work with any OEM version of XP Home. It will not
work with Retail versions of Home nor with any versions of XP Pro. If a
friend has an OEM copy of XP Home (it will say Windows XP Home "Not for
distribution or resale" on it) you can borrow that CD and use your own
Product Key with it. That would not be illegal and is likely to work. I've
often used a single OEM CD to install XP Home to computers I just use the
Product Key that is on the side of the computer case when I run the install.

Bruce Chambers

Rich said:
I need to know if i can download windows xp and use my
product key on the side of my computer to recover xp? My
hard drive is totally gone. The computer was bought at a
walmart with no hard copies (CD). this would not be
illegal would it? I have my product key, just the window
xp operating system was not backed up on a cd and i
thought i could get a copy of that from microsoft website
but i am having trouble finding it. Or can i do this? If
not i might have to try linux or something :) just kidding

Please help

No, You cannot download an OEM copy of WinXP from Microsoft.

Legally, the OEM has met it's contractual obligation to Microsoft
by providing a means of returning the PC to its ex-factory state,
whether it's a Recovery CD or a Recovery Partition. They are not
legally obliged to provide a true installation CD as part of the sale.
Reputable, customer-service aware OEMs, like Dell and Gateway, do
provide a full OEM installation CD, that does permit custom
installations and repairs. Many uncaring OEMs, such as Compaq,
eMachines, and Sony, however, in an effort to save pennies and reduce
their support costs by having to hire support people that can only say
"Boot from the Recovery CD to return your PC to its original
condition," provide only a CD bearing a disk image of the hard drive
as it left the factory. These Recovery/Restore CDs cannot perform
normal installations, nor can they be used to do any sort of
customizations. Basically, it boils down to "You get what you pay

Since it seems, from your description, that you've one of the
systems with the hidden recovery partition, you'll need to contact the
computer's manufacturer to learn how to get your system up and running
again. And, while you at it, you might ask about a replacement
keyboard; it looks like your <Shift> keys are very, very unreliable.


Bruce Chambers

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