no volume

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i import a movie into 'collections' play & get
vision & sound...when i drop it onto the timeline the
sound disappears...the mute is off & the volume is but no sound...where's the sound? i
missing something obvious?...please help...
Hello there,

What format is the video clip?

Playing from the timeline uses a different mechanism to playing from the
collection. The first thing to do is ensure you have the latest versions of
DirectX (Ver. 9.0b) and Media Player (Ver. 9) You need to get the FULL
versions and do not attempt to install over the internet. You should also
reboot prior to each installation to make sure that any file locks have
been released.
Hello there,

Well, getting Movie Maker 1 back is probably as simple as copying the
contents of a movie maker 1 directory and putting that into a directory
with a name of your choice and then making a shortcut to the exe in that
new directory. I have never tried it myself, but I imagine it would be
something like that....the problem is going to be getting those files from
somewhere. You could perhaps extract the files from the XP installation
disk...messy game though.
Where has the mpeg file come from? you would be better off using AVI.
....the mpegs are from a digital camera...i've been using
movie maker to convert to email (handy li'l
function)...then for some reason they couldn't be opened,
so i upgraded to WMM2 thinking it may solve the problem &
now i have no sound after dropping the movie into the
timeline....any ideas?...
looks like i have dierctx 9.0b...ran a diagnostic check
which says there are no falts...any other ideas?