Judy L said in news:
[email protected]:
Im using xp and sometimes when I load windows, and even manage to get
to desktop mode - it suddenly switches to sleep mode and then might
say "no video input" I checked the drivers for updates and it is
apparently up to date.
Any suggestions please?
Got a screen saver enabled?
Is BIOS configured to put the system or video card into Standby or
Suspend mode? If so, disable it and just use the power management in
the OS.
Fan still spinning on the GPU (graphics processor unit) on the video
Running the voltage & temp monitor software from the motherboard maker
(to check volts and temps are within range)?
Wiggled the monitor connector to check for bad cable at video card and
monitor ends?
Does this happen only when you boot into Windows XP? Or will it occur
before Windows even gets to load, like if you pause anytime before
Windows starts to load or going into the BIOS screens?
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