No touch deployment and XP Themes

  • Thread starter Thread starter pfurb
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How do I adopt XP-theme together with no touch deployment?

I am using no touch deployment of a windows application (framework
The problem is when deploying the application through no touch the
visual style does not adopt XP-themes.

I am using...


.... but i do not seems to work.

I have also tried to use a Manifest file, but i do not think it is
sent to the client computer. Maybe I am doing something wrong!?!

Can anybody please help!
Thanks in advanced.
pfurb said:
I have also tried to use a Manifest file, but i do not think it is
sent to the client computer. Maybe I am doing something wrong!?!

Visual styles are part of the common controls library version 6 and later.
These libraries will not work unless your application has a proper manifest
file in the right place. Tyr copying the manifest file by hand onto the
target computer and then see what happens. If your app then adopts visual
styles then you know what the problem is.
Mr. Lick,

EnableVisualStyles() in 1.1 was supposed to do away with the manifest file.

* (e-mail address removed) (pfurb) scripsit:
How do I adopt XP-theme together with no touch deployment?

I am using no touch deployment of a windows application (framework
The problem is when deploying the application through no touch the
visual style does not adopt XP-themes.

I am using...


... but i do not seems to work.

I have also tried to use a Manifest file, but i do not think it is
sent to the client computer. Maybe I am doing something wrong!?!

Visual Styles will only work on Windows XP or "newer". You can check if
the theming feature is present using
'If OSFeature.Feature.IsPresent(OSFeature.Themes) Then...'.
Thanks for your answers. But it do not seem to solve my case.

First, the client computer has Windows XP, so it should work. When I
get a security exception (while downloading 'no touch deployment') and
the download gets interrupted, if I press 'continue' then the
XP-themes are adopted. But it only works when the download gets
interrupted, so it is not a static state.

Second, if I would to use a manifest file, which I know works. How
would i get it over to the client computer if I have to deploy the
application to 100 or 1000 users. Is there a way to incorporate the
Manifest file or the manifest file content into the AssemblyInfo?

There must be some work around for this problem.
As a wrote, this is not a static state. The XP-themes gets adopted
when I get a security exception (which I had before involving DragDrop

Really appreciate all answers.
Thanks in advanced!
Thanks Eric.

Very nice. It seems to solve my problem. But I get an error if I have
AssemblyKeyFile set to a .snk file. Which I did not have before

"Strong name validation failed for assembly 'C:\project\...' The file
may have been tampered with or it was partially signed but not fully
signed with the correcct private key."

Have you got any clue, how I can fix it...


I used the sn.exe to reconnect the .snk-file after using ThemeMe. But
it still does not work. Somehow it must remove the manifest file.

If I use EnableVisualStyles and 'No touch deployment' some controls
like the treeview and listview looks like XP, while radio-buttons and
buttons adopt old style (this is not the case when I am not using No
touch deployment).

If I get a security exception (for example concerning dragdrop
operation) while downloading the assembly and then press continue, all
controls adopt XP-style. The same thing happens when I use a manifest

Can someone please tell me, why this happens. Is it some functinallity
in my assembly that is causing this or what? And what is the

Please help. I am getting deperate...

Thanks in advanced!