No Time Line Playing?

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Having some problems with: After adding pics to time-line, nothing plays,
just black screen & NO movement of time frame either, (no clock movement),
NOTHING. Anyone have a cure for this??

What are the file types being used? JPeg and JPG images can cause problems,
it depends on the internal format of the saved image. What time duration
are the images used? and how many? is there any audio involved? if so what
type of file

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I read all the posts related to this before posting myself. It doesn't seem
to matter, .jpg, .bmp, .avi, .mpeg. None of it will play in the timeline.
Music appears to play fine. No clock movement either. Also, monitor size
under view is grayed out, same eith right clicking the preview pane. It's
like, the monitor is missing from the file. Very Wierd at best. Typical
Microsoft product. Anything else out there comparible?? Thanks for any help
in advance.

The situation you describe indicates a graphics error. You should download
the full files (do not do an internet install) of

1) The grahics driver from the manufacturer of your graphics NOT
get this from Microsoft or a company like NVidia...Do not worry if the
version from the card manufacturer is less than the version from elsewhere

2) The full versions of DirecX 9.0c and Windows Media Player 9 or 10 and
SP2 (Service pack 2)

Starting with the graphics card driver...reboot and then install each
package with a reboot after each is very important that you do
it this way so that you ensure that all file locks are released.

Let us know if that does not sort things out for you

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hey John,

I agree it does suit a graphics problem. Heres the thing though, I have all
that you mentioned & even have SP-2 on disc as well. I also have a top of the
line 250 MB NVidia graphics card. Everything else I use for software works
peachy, including DVD creation , editing & burning software. MM2 worked fine
just a short week & A half ago. The only thing I can think of is, I did get
some Windows Updates a few days before all this started happening. I guess I
could restore to that point & see if it works. In my experience, once a file
is corrupted or missing, restore doesn't help much. I also reinstalled SP-2
yesterday, that didn't help either. Would a clean install of SP-2 serve me
better? And if so, uninstalling SP-2, will this effect IE and/or anything
else important I should save or move until a clean install is done?
As I said before, This is just too wierd. I've never had a problem like this
I appreciate your input. Any thoughts on another software program in
comparison to MM2?



Ah Ha! Windows updates...the guy who came up with that idea should be hung,
draw and quartered!!!

Windows WILL replace your graphics driver even if it the update will
replace the specialised NVidia driver such as the one I have,,,,I have an
NVidia chipset on a Golden Sample Gainward high speed graphics card...the
driver from Microsoft only deals with the basic command set and knows
nothing about specialised command sets/chip sets....and its for that reason
I word the standard reply the way I do :) and I <<<<<NEVER>>>>>
<<<EVER>>> allow an automated update on ANY of my machines

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
How interesting...... So, I'm taking it, you don't do updates from windows. A
tech friend of mine said he doesn't either. What about so called critical
updates?? I am under the influence that some critical updates are important
to online surfing with IE security. I do use a firwall of course, but not MS
or Norton. Can't stand either. I use Trend-Micro's Internet Security &
PcCillin for Anti Virus. Well, I guess I'll go check my graphics driver to
see if Windows changed it on me. I'll post & let you know if that is the
problem. Thanks again & have a good day
Hey thanks John............ That was it !! Went to NVIDIA, grabbed the latest
greatest & this was more recent than the one I did have originally.
I turned off auto update to notify only.
One would think,..... Windows would install drivers that work with Windows
programs, but then again, we are talking MicroSoft too. MM-2 is one of the
few I do like to use.

Glad it worked out OK.

With regard to updates from microsoft...None of my machines have auto
update enabled for any of the software including third party progs.... With
Critical updates I have almost always allowed them to go ahead. The one
that I blocked recently was where MS wanted to install a virus removal
tool, that's an absolute NO NO. A friend went ahead and allowed it on and
he then started to get an annoying message every time he turns his machine
on from Symantec software that some program has hijacked some of the
registry settings it then proceeds to restore them. The presumption from MS
that its OK to change settings for other programs and therefore disabling
them is real bad.....I had info on all of those registry settings and tried
to fix it for the end it was safer/better to re-install all of XP
and turn off the auto update and block the virus removal tool from MS
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work