No Taskbar after SP2 install


John Price

I have a computer that has had XP installed on it for over one year with no

A few days ago it exhibited an error message "Initiated by NT
Authority/System - Remote Call Service terminated unexpectedly" in 60
seconds it rebooted the computer.

The process repeated itself whenever the computer was rebooted.

I found news messages that others had had this experience when a certain
virus was active in 2003 and concluded that somehow I had been infected.
The Microsoft letters on the subject have not yielded anything that
worked.( for example)

After a few attempts to correct the situation, I decided to do reinstall XP
and did a clean install, allowing the installer to format the C drive.

I installed all the security updates including the SP1 and the automatic
update routines. Then I let automatic install 25 security updates
preparatory to installing SP2. The computer and windows worked normally.

I allowed SP2 to install automatically.

Upon reboot, a message popped up "Checkpoint Scheduler: Task Scheduler is
not running."

There is no taskbar, but icons on the desktop remain and are functional.

I am working with Microsoft but nothing they have suggested has changed

I have tried the procedure all over again and get the same result, including
using sp2 update from a CD instead of downloading.

My alternative seems so far to be to run without sp2.

Has anyone had a similar experience or a solution?

There is plenty of space on the C drive and all my data is stored on
separate physical drives. This is a 1.8mHz AMD processor and an Asus board.

John Price


I've given up for now and running sp1. I have formatted and clean installed
from the automatic download and from CD and still get the problem. I'm
going to wait until I have the energy to try again later. Then I'll try
the tool you suggested.

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