No task manager - no defragmentation tool...

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I installed the XP home edition (upgrade) and 'lost' my task manager. It' gone
Also when I went and checked in the C: properties, tools it says under defrag
No defragmnetation tool is currently installed
How can I fix this if at all..
Right click the Taskbar | Task Manager
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
should all open the Task Manager.

As my Mom used to ask, "Have you looked every where?"

taskmgr.exe should be in C:WINDOWS\system32 and C:WINDOWS\system32\dllcache

The following stolen from Kelly's Korner @

Task Manager - Control/Alt/Delete - Doesn't work

Lift Restrictions - TM, Regedit and CMD (Line 275)

Enable the Task Manager (Line 51)

More info here:
Click the "T" and scroll down to Task Manager
I Posted this question and mispoke of what I meant (long day)..
I said that I lost my task manager, when I meant to say was
I 'lost' the maintenance / performance in accessories whic
does not allow me to do scheduled task such as scan dos
and defrag
found in the task manager that defrag stated that there is n
defragmentation tool installed. Now how do I remedy that
Thanks agai
Thanks Wesly (your suggestion worked...I learned a shortcut to task manager!)
Scandisk is called Error Checking in XP.
Double-click My Computer | Right click hard drive | Properties | Tools tab | Tick both boxes |OK your way
You have to reboot for chkdsk to run.
You can see a report in the Event Viewer, listed under Winlogon.

For Defragment;
Make a shortcut to: Dfrg.msc
Right click the Desktop | New | Shortcut |Paste: %windir%\System32\Dfrg.msc into the box | Next | Name it
what you want | Finish
Start | Run | Paste: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools into
the box | OK
Size the window so you can see the shortcut you made on the Desktop | Drag it into System Tools

defrag.exe lives @

As a Scheduled Task, go to Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Scheduled Tasks/Add Scheduled Task.
Enter DEFRAG.EXE X: -F where X is the drive you wish to defragment.