No System Restore



Can anyone tell me why my system restore doesn't work? It has restore points
on certain dates and it will go through all the process but at the end when
it restarts I get a message that says "Your computer can't be restores to
this date. No changes have been made to your computer." Select another
restore point and try again. I have tried several times with different dates
to no avail. I have been having problems sincce I tred to install SP2 with
no success.


Hi Bert, I tried this and it didn't work either. I got the same results.
Any other ideas?


Hi Bert, I also tried the restore in safe mode with command prompt using the
%systemroot% (etc.) command. Same result, no restore! This is driving me
crazy!!! Getting to the point where I think I'll just buy a new


Hi, If I do this how will I ever get my other problems solved? That was the
point in doing a restore.

Bert Kinney


Once a restore point becomes corrupted, all prier restore points will
become nonfunctional. At this point they need to be deleted as they will
not work anyway.

You can try these troubleshooting steps before doing so in an attempt to
restore the system.
Troubleshooting steps to take when System Restore fails to restore:

As far as problems with the system, I can not say, because you have not
posted what the problem is!

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