No such interface supported error what to do

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I get on internet explorer No Such Interface Supported Error when trying to
click on certain links, I have tried everything from the How-to-File section.
Nothing is working . I have tried to find a way to uninstall IE but there is
no uninstall file to use. What can I do to fix this problem.
Go to Tools | Internet Options | Advanced.
Check the box to Disable script debugging.
Uncheck the box to Display a notification about every script error.

Disable the Script Debugger in IE (Line 142) - Win XP

1. You might want to refresh your scripting engine:
Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 2000 and XP

Sometimes there's a corrupt file in the cache and one must go to Tools |
Internet Options and click Delete Files.

2a. Start>Run>Regsvr32 vbscript.dll

2b. Start>Run>Regsvr32 jscript.dll

(WinXP users who have problems with 2a and 2b, see

3. Re-register all DLLs listed in

4. See also
Error Message When You Browse the Web: An Error Has Occurred in the Script
on This Page
Scripting Errors When You View Web Pages in Internet Explorer after
Installing Office 2003

5a. IE Tools>Internet Options>Advanced>Browsing>Enable third-party browser
extensions (uncheck & reboot).

5b. Find the hijacker that caused 5a to be checked (or if none were checked,
check for hijackware anyway):

Dealing with Hijackware

How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC
I am having a similar problem to Sabama. The first thing that I noticed was
a popup every time that I click on a link in hotmail (this popup
recently...maybe during the last couple of weeks sometime...started. I don't
know if this popup is the result of some updates to IE through Microsoft
Update). The popup has a title of MSN Hotmail
Web Page Dialogue. Then below, it says "you have taken an action that may
submit information to an unsafe site outside of Hotmail or MSN. Do you want
to continue?". The popup itself doesn't concern me (I can supress it so that
it no longer shows up. I only mention it because my problem started
happening at the same time that I noticed this popup.

After a certain amount of time, I start getting the error message that has a
title of Internet Explorer Script Error. Below, it says "An error has
occured in the script on this page". Below that in the error row, it says
"no such interface supported". Once I start getting this particular error
message, I am no longer able to click on links in hotmail without getting
this error. The only way that I can resolve this issue is to reboot my
computer and then, after awhile, it starts again. I am not sure if this
error results after a certain amount of time, after a certain number of email
messages read, or maybe it has something to do with the particular links that
I click (like it takes me to a site that has java and IE doesn't respond to
java correctly, for example). I tried yor solution for Sabama, but some of
your links no longer work (ie: 2b failed, so I tried to click on your link
for that). I stopped your instructions after 2b failed for me because I
wasn't completely sure that this is the same issue as Sabama.

Please help me. I have at least 2 computers with this problem.

Thank you!
mickey71 said:
I tried yor solution for Sabama, but some of your links no longer work
(ie: 2b failed, so I tried to click on your link for that).

This is now redirecting here:

Neither of you has disclosed the OS involved so be aware that
this link applies only to NT5x such as the ones listed above.

Sandi has revised her site. That old URL redirects to an HTTP 404 page.

You could back up to the implied Home Page

Click on Site Index

and find "Script errors on web pages"

Again, because we don't know your OS this is probably a weaker
repair than your system may be capable of. E.g. c.f. KB194177
or KB831429 (for the regsvr32 commands there)

If regsvr32 urlmon.dll is a good thing for this problem scenario
I can't see why regsvr32 /i urlmon.dll couldn't also be offered.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle[/QUOTE]
Thank you very much for your reply. I apologize for omitting my OS
information. I am running Windows XP Home SP2. I tried all of the
suggestions that you listed and I am still getting the error. Is my last
resort reinstalling the operating system? Can I just do a repair
installation or will I need to reformat the drive and do a fresh install?

Thanks again for your help!
mickey71 said:
I aplogize if I somehow insulted you in one of my posts. Your post took an
irritated tone. I am somewhat new to using discussion groups and apparently
I have made a "faux pas", judging from your last response.

I did not continue searching your posts for other threads since I had posed
a specific question to you in response to your last post to me and I was
awaiting your response to that particular question. I guess that I should I said I am trying to learn. Your criticism taken and appreciated.

Yes. Definitely do not *expect* a reply. This is a newsGROUP.
Replies can come from anybody or not, depending on people's
interests and abilities. In particular, if questions or problem descriptions
are vague (or too hard to deal with easily) you may get no reply at all.

Specifically, I wonder what further information I should have provided to
you so that you would take interest in my issue. You said that it was " such
unexciting feedback that I wasn't inclined to follow up with any more ideas."
I am *not* trying to be sarcastic, I am just trying to learn what would be
helpful for me to list in my posts. I *did* try everything, step-by-step
that you listed and I was unsuccessful in making any difference to my
problem. There were no spefic problems that I encountered in executing the
steps you provided...everything went fine, it just didn't fix my problem.
Since there were no problems with your steps, I didn't have anything other to
report than "tried all the suggestions you listed".

Understood. I guess I should accuse myself of "jumping into this thread"
too. As I wrote I was just trying to clarify some details for you on the tack
which had been taken. My particular interest is diagnosing symptoms
rather than just guessing if some standard general repair procedure
can be thrown at a problem symptom. _Usually_ my suggestions include
actions which I would take as diagnostics. That implies that observations
should be made and reported as feedback or if the significance of them
is clear reports may come back that a solution has been found as result.
Too often the "tried everything; didn't work" response is from someone
who is not interested in trying to learn how to help himself. OTOH if all that
helpers are doing is shooting their favorite ammunition (e.g. repair suggestions)
they may be either "out of bullets" or reduced to dragging out the heavy artillery
(e.g. reinstall, etc.), which is roughly analogous to demolishing someone's
house as a response to a stuck door and then saying: "Please rebuild your
house; that should fix your stuck door problem." <g>

After reviewing your problem description I'm not sure that there is a problem
which can be dealt with using a repair methodology. E.g. your symptoms
could also be explained by the hypothesis that there are multiple servers
for your application and one or more of them has not been updated with
the latest changes. So, then, every so often you get served the old version
of the scripts and when one of the other newer pages attempts to use the
newer versions of them there is a script error. Etc.

One way to deal with such a scenario would be to press Ctrl-F5 when it
happens and hope that the requests which that generated would get handled
only by servers which contained both the new versions of the pages and their
components. Meanwhile using the options which Frank mentioned for
disabling script debugging, etc. would minimize the disruption any such
errors would cause.

In that case the ultimate solution for the problem would rest with the server
operators and you would either have to wait for them to fix things or write
to them to try to expedite such changes.

