Hugh Newbury
I'm running some weather software (Weather Display) that gets data from
a weather station via a USB port. The instructions tell me to set the
port number to whatever serial port WXP allots to the USB port.
I can't find a way of asking WXP to allot a port, or asking which port
it has already allotted. Could someone please help by pointing me in the
right direction.
I'm not used to WXP. So please keep the help in simple terms!
I'm running some weather software (Weather Display) that gets data from
a weather station via a USB port. The instructions tell me to set the
port number to whatever serial port WXP allots to the USB port.
I can't find a way of asking WXP to allot a port, or asking which port
it has already allotted. Could someone please help by pointing me in the
right direction.
I'm not used to WXP. So please keep the help in simple terms!