I'm trying to use netdom.exe to join a domain. netdom.exe complains
that the account already exists, but I can join the domain manually via
the gui dialog box, even though the account (machine account) is already
existing. Is there any way to use netdom.exe to add a machine to a
domain and not have it complain about the account existing? I just want
it to use the already existing account, e.g. if I've re-installed the
computer remotely.
Here's the full command-line:
netdom MOVE ANAKONDA /DOMAIN:klient.uib.no /userd:blah /passwordd:*
/usero:administrator /passwordo:* /reboot:15
The account already exists.
The command failed to complete successfully.
I've also tried netdom JOIN... Is there any other way I can re-activate
an account throgh remote scripting?
that the account already exists, but I can join the domain manually via
the gui dialog box, even though the account (machine account) is already
existing. Is there any way to use netdom.exe to add a machine to a
domain and not have it complain about the account existing? I just want
it to use the already existing account, e.g. if I've re-installed the
computer remotely.
Here's the full command-line:
netdom MOVE ANAKONDA /DOMAIN:klient.uib.no /userd:blah /passwordd:*
/usero:administrator /passwordo:* /reboot:15
The account already exists.
The command failed to complete successfully.
I've also tried netdom JOIN... Is there any other way I can re-activate
an account throgh remote scripting?