Hello Anver,
The Windows Defender service depends on RPC--so be sure that RPC is not
Defender does both real-time protection, on demand, and scheduled scªnning.
If you select the Process tab you should see MSASCui.exe (the user
interface), and MsMpEng.exe (the service executable) running.
In Windows Defender--real-time protection is done by a system service,
starting at boot time--that's the Windows Defender service, whose executable
is MsMpEng.exe.
MpCmdRun.exe monitors for the existence of new signatures and is responsible
initiating the updating process when new signatures are available.
Go to Tools-> Options, scroll down ¾ until you find, Choose when you Want
Windows Defender to display icon in notification areª.
Click on Alwªys.
Please read the Help file
If you have this in About-Help:
WD v. 1.1.1347.0
Engine v. 1.1.1372.0
Signature v. 1.14.1436.4
You are OK.
Other wise go to Windows Update, select Express (Get high-priority updates),
and apply all offered updªtes
Once that is finished, can you verify the update installs? There are many
pre-requisite files which are needed from windows update and signature update
with windows defender will fail until you hªve these files.
For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºsts.
I hope this post is helpful.
Let us know how it works ºut.