I am so frustrated by the lack of imagination on the part of Microsofts
support team. In reading all over the internet I have found a growing
populace of users that are having audio device problems that the usual
troubleshooting steps will not cure. Out of a need to reiterate, I will
repeat what I said in a previous post:
This happened after I upgraded my wifes XP Pro computer to the new official
SP3, Yes, I tried everything I could try to get the Windows audio system to
funtion. Still, it says "No Audio Device" when I try to access any windows
audio funtion. I tried; changing from on-board audio AC97 ver 4.04 to "off"
in bios and installing an Audigy 2 (trying every PCI slot, since she has
nothing in any other PCI slot). Upgrading the bios. Updating every driver
recommended by every news group and advise pro I could find. Tried an unusual
proceedure that involved viewing hidden files in Hardware device manager,
updating ISAPNP and the PNP Software Enumerator. Simply uninstalling the
audio driver and then running Add Remove Hardware. Searching the registry for
left over pieces of which ever audio device she was not trying to use. I ran
SFC /Scannow and had no trouble with that after making an SP3 cd. What I'm
trying to say is that I am going to leave my OWN computer at the SP2 state
until Microsoft cures its SP3 problem with Realtek and Creative Labs sound
cards. In my opinion, it is an SP3 problem. What else can it be? Any other
suggestions? Please read everything I've just said so you don't recommend an
old standard approach.