I have problem: there is no sound from my SB Audigy 2 Value.
Here I describe how it happened.
I was trying to install a new cooler on my Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT
(Pentagram Freezone XC-70 Al+). It wasn't easy, because it doesn't fit
exactly to my hardware (but the manual of that cooler says it does...
:|). (Maybe it's because my motherboard. The problem is that the
radiator touches the PCI bus, that is near AGP and Radeon can't be
inserted properly).
Ok, I've tried several times to insert Radeon in AGP slot, and finally I
took off that cooler and installed another one. Then I've spotted that
there is no sound, even noise in speakers when they are turned on. It
can't be a software problem because there is no sound under Windows XP
and Linux both since the same time.
Speakers work, I've checked on the other source. Sound card works, I've
checked it in another PC. PCI works because network card is working all
the time.
The question is: could I destroy something on the motherboard, that
doesn't interrupt network card's work, but make that problems with PCI
I've also tried to install my AC'97 sound card integrated with
motherboard but it seems to doesn't work too.
And at last, a small tip: there is a small cut (0.5 mm x 2 mm) on the
motherboard near the PCI bus, nearest the AGP. Probably I've made it
with screwdriver when I was trying to install that cooler
Can it be the source of the problem?
Sorry for my bad english :]
Marcin R.
My PC:
Athlon 2600+ XP Barton
Asus A7N8X
2 x 256 MB DDR RAM
Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT + Pentagram Freezone XC-70 Al+
SB Audigy 2 Value
WD Caviar 120 GB
I have problem: there is no sound from my SB Audigy 2 Value.
Here I describe how it happened.
I was trying to install a new cooler on my Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT
(Pentagram Freezone XC-70 Al+). It wasn't easy, because it doesn't fit
exactly to my hardware (but the manual of that cooler says it does...
:|). (Maybe it's because my motherboard. The problem is that the
radiator touches the PCI bus, that is near AGP and Radeon can't be
inserted properly).
Ok, I've tried several times to insert Radeon in AGP slot, and finally I
took off that cooler and installed another one. Then I've spotted that
there is no sound, even noise in speakers when they are turned on. It
can't be a software problem because there is no sound under Windows XP
and Linux both since the same time.
Speakers work, I've checked on the other source. Sound card works, I've
checked it in another PC. PCI works because network card is working all
the time.
The question is: could I destroy something on the motherboard, that
doesn't interrupt network card's work, but make that problems with PCI
I've also tried to install my AC'97 sound card integrated with
motherboard but it seems to doesn't work too.
And at last, a small tip: there is a small cut (0.5 mm x 2 mm) on the
motherboard near the PCI bus, nearest the AGP. Probably I've made it
with screwdriver when I was trying to install that cooler

Can it be the source of the problem?
Sorry for my bad english :]
Marcin R.
My PC:
Athlon 2600+ XP Barton
Asus A7N8X
2 x 256 MB DDR RAM
Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT + Pentagram Freezone XC-70 Al+
SB Audigy 2 Value
WD Caviar 120 GB