The said:
I recently had to have the CPU replaced on my new computer and ever
since no sound has played on it. Any ideas how to get the sound back?
Probably really simple but I know nothing about computers!!
I'm guessing that you had more than the CPU (which means only the
processor) replaced on your computer. But I can't be more precise about
what you had done because you've told us nothing. Look at your invoice
and see what the shop did and post back with that information. Or call
up the shop and ask them about what they did and why there is no sound.
If you want sound you need 1) a sound card - either separate or onboard;
2) drivers for that sound device.
Never get drivers from Windows Update. Get them from:
1. The device mftr.'s website; OR
2. The motherboard mftr.'s website if hardware is onboard; OR
3. The OEM's website for your specific machine if you have an OEM
computer (HP, Dell, Sony, etc.).
Read the installation instructions on the website where you get the
To find out what hardware is in your computer:
1. Read any documentation you got when you bought the computer.
2. If the computer is OEM, go to the OEM's website for your specific
model machine and look at the specs (you'll be there to get the drivers
3. Download, install and run a free system inventory program like Belarc
Advisor. The older Aida32 is good for this, too. - Belarc Advisor - Aida32 (hosted on Jim Eshelman's site)