I have 2issues:
1 - I have no sound when playing midi files. mp3, and wma files sound ok
using WMP.
2 - I have sound only with WMP, no sound comes out for the same file using
Nero or MusicMatch. Any idea why?
3 - I get an error copying my WMP playlist to CD after 50% is done. I get
the error "medium is invalid....". Now I want to use Nero instead but I have
no sound (see #2).
Thanks for your help
I have 2issues:
1 - I have no sound when playing midi files. mp3, and wma files sound ok
using WMP.
2 - I have sound only with WMP, no sound comes out for the same file using
Nero or MusicMatch. Any idea why?
3 - I get an error copying my WMP playlist to CD after 50% is done. I get
the error "medium is invalid....". Now I want to use Nero instead but I have
no sound (see #2).
Thanks for your help