No sound for video ???? Ubuntu 7.10


Sep 30, 2005
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I tried SMPlayer, Mplayer , VLPlayer and Totem player . Can get a realy good quality picture on all of them . The players do not seem to repsond properly all of the time . But and its a big but , I can not get any sound out of the darn things . Spent threed ays looking on the webb but clear info on anything linux is like looking for a needle in a haystack .

Abarbarian said:
clear info on anything linux is like looking for a needle in a haystack .
No it's not.

Question #1: Do you have ANY sound(s)? For example, there is a "login sound". Hear that? What about audio CD?
Question #2: Open the mixer by double clicking the volume icon... are "Main" and "PCM" sliders up? Also... make sure NEITHER is muted (= NO red "x" on small "speaker icons" below the sliders).
Your right its not like looking for a needle in a haystack . Its worse , more like looking for a grain of sand on a beach .

Yes I have system sound .

Fiddled a bit and uninstalled and reinstalled .

Now have sound in Totem player when viewing files .

But not when viewing DVD . Tells me I need some codecs , but does not tell me whicjh ones , it should do but it don't .

Still have problems with VLC player .

Have now lost internet connection with cable as I was trying to get a wireless network set up .

Thank me lucky stars I have two pc's .

Abarbarian said:
But not when viewing DVD . Tells me I need some codecs , but does not tell me whicjh ones , it should do but it don't .

Still have problems with VLC player .
Do this:

Have now lost internet connection with cable as I was trying to get a wireless network set up .
How did that... what did you do? When you go to System -> Admin -> Networking...


... what do you see? The above image is "all systems green". If you haven't been practising command line magic, you should be able to recreate wired connection from there... highlight "Wired Connection", go to "Properties", and make sure it's active (you should be able to do the same using the network applet in upper panel as well).
Wireless then... the BIG question here is: which wireless card do you have? If it's a Broadcom, you might be in for a wee tapdance.

Thanks for the help Urmas.

Will look into your link about the sound .

As to the internet connection . Had an applet on the task bar but it has now disapeared . The pc with linux and connected to the internet by a BT Voyager 220V modified router has a ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition mobo . This has a built in wireless card with a on-board Access Point .

The pc I am trying to connect to has a Belkin PCI slot in card and is running XP PRO . As far as I can tell the card is set up to run ok . See the pic for more details .

Back to the linux . I tried downloading various bits of software to try connecting wierlessly . Nowt worked so I thought I'll get rid of all the stuff I'd downloaded and start with a fresh slate. Deleted all the wireless stuff and I think I may have deleted too much . As now I have no applet in the task bar and can not connect even with a cable . So Is it possible for me to download what I need on me XP pc and with a usb stick transfer it to the Gutsy Gibbon ??



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Just had a thought . As I have the instillation CD all the programs I have deleted will be on it . So How do I figure out which programs I need and how do I transfer them from the cd to the pc ????

OK... first things first: Yes, you can use your CD. I'm assuming you have used Synaptic Package Manager for installing and (AAAAARGH!) removing packages. Under File -> History, there is a day-by-day log of everything you've installed/upgraded/removed. Next, in Synaptic, go to Edit -> Add CD... follow doctor's orders. After having added the CD, hit "Reload" in Synaptic. Proceed to undo doo-doo.

Whether this makes sense is another matter... after all, Ubuntu is so much faster to (re)install than that Redmond payware distro.

When you're back in business:
The pc with linux and connected to the internet by a BT Voyager 220V modified router has a ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition mobo . This has a built in wireless card with a on-board Access Point .
Mo' info better: in Terminal, type
and paste the output here.

Well I put the cd in and followed your instructions . See pics for results .So it did not seem to work .

Reason I'm bothering with this and not doing a fresh install , is , I have 24 hours worth of Boinc results to up load , and I would like to save all my linux links from the FF browser . I think I can save the FF stuff but I think only way to save boinc stuff is by getting internet conection working .

Thanks for help so far you have been a star .



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I used Synaptic and the Add/Remove to delete stuff . I don't know if that makes a difference .

Star, huh? Black hole, more like it.

Try this: Open Synaptic, go to Settings -> (Software) Sources. Two things to try:
a) 1st tab from left, there is a "Ubuntu CD/DVD" entry. "Tick" it, see if that does the trick. If not...
b) 2nd tab from left, there is a "Add CD" button... whaddabout that, then?

Can't help you with Bon... Boinc business (Mucks?), but you can save your FF bookmarks by going to Bookmarks -> Edit Bookmarks -> File -> Export... choose "html" and move them to USB thumb drive, for example.
Urmas said:
Star, huh? Black hole, more like it.

Try this: Open Synaptic, go to Settings -> (Software) Sources. Two things to try:
a) 1st tab from left, there is a "Ubuntu CD/DVD" entry. "Tick" it, see if that does the trick. If not...
b) 2nd tab from left, there is a "Add CD" button... whaddabout that, then?

These just take me around in a circle , see first two pics from previous post above . The "unmount cd " just goes on and on and does nothing . Click on close , and a new window pops up saying I need to reload , this then tries to do something and quite a while later a window pos up saying that it was unable to load etc etc .

So I'm just going around in very long time consuming circles .

If you have any other ideas I'm willing to have one last go .
Thanks for the help Urmas . I couldn't be arsed anymore so I just wiped the hdd . I may have another go but its a bit too buggy for me . Its no fun .

If Operating Systems Ran The Airlines...

UNIX Airways

Everyone brings one piece of the plane along when they come to the airport. They all go out on the runway and put the plane together piece by piece, arguing non-stop about what kind of plane they are supposed to be building.


Everybody pushes the airplane until it glides, then they jump on and let the plane coast until it hits the ground again. Then they push again, jump on again, and so on...

Mac Airlines

All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same. Every time you ask questions about details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up.

Windows Air

The terminal is pretty and colourful, with friendly stewards, easy baggage check and boarding, and a smooth take-off. After about 10 minutes in the air, the plane explodes with no warning whatsoever.

Windows NT Air

Just like Windows Air, but costs more, uses much bigger planes, and takes out all the other aircraft within a 40-mile radius when it explodes.

Windows XP Air

You turn up at the airport,which is under contract to only allow XP Air planes. All the aircraft are identical, brightly coloured and three times as big as they need to be. The signs are huge and all point the same way. Whichever way you go, someone pops up dressed in a cloak and pointed hat insisting you follow him. Your luggage and clothes are taken off you and replaced with an XP Air suit and suitcase identical to everyone around you as this is included in the exorbitant ticket cost. The aircraft will not take off until you have signed a contract. The inflight entertainment promised turns out to be the same Mickey Mouse cartoon repeated over and over again. You have to phone your travel agent before you can have a meal or drink. You are searched regularly throughout the flight. If you go to the toilet twice or more you get charged for a new ticket. No matter what destination you booked you will always end up crash landing at Whistler in Canada.


You enter a white terminal, and all you can see is a woman sitting in the corner behind a white desk, you walk up to get your ticket. She smiles and says "Welcome to OS X Air, please allow us to take your picture", at which point a camera in the wall you didn't notice before takes your picture. "Thank you, here is your ticket" You are handed a minimalistic ticket with your picture at the top, it already has all of your information. A door opens to your right and you walk through. You enter a wide open space with one seat in the middle, you sit, listen to music and watch movies until the end of the flight. You never see any of the other passengers. You land, get off, and you say to yourself "wow, that was really nice, but I feel like something was missing"

Windows Vista Airlines

You enter a good looking terminal with the largest planes you have ever seen. Every 10 feet a security officer appears and asks you if you are "sure" you want to continue walking to your plane and if you would like to cancel. Not sure what cancel would do, you continue walking and ask the agent at the desk why the planes are so big. After the security officer making sure you want to ask the question and you want to hear the answer, the agent replies that they are bigger because it makes customers feel better, but the planes are designed to fly twice as slow. Adding the size helped achieve the slow fly goal.

Once on the plane, every passenger has to be asked individually by the flight attendants if they are sure they want to take this flight. Then it is company policy that the captain asks the passengers collectively the same thing. After answering yes to so many questions, you are punched in the face by some stranger who when he asked "Are you sure you want me to punch you in the face? Cancel or Allow?" you instinctively say "Allow".

After takeoff, the pilots realize that the landing gear driver wasn't updated to work with the new plane. Therefore it is always stuck in the down position. This forces the plane to fly even slower, but the pilots are used to it and continue to fly the planes, hoping that soon the landing gear manufacturer will give out a landing gear driver update.

You arrive at your destination wishing you had used your reward miles with XP airlines rather than trying out this new carrier. A close friend, after hearing your story, mentions that Linux Air is a much better alternative and helps.

Linux Air

Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to start their own airline. They build the planes, ticket counters, and pave the runways themselves. They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the ticket, but you can also download and print the ticket yourself.

When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a copy of the seat-HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very comfortable, the plane leaves and arrives on time without a single problem, the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell customers of the other airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, "You had to do what with the seat?"

(And in this case, the next thing with the seat would've been through Terminal... whack the darn thing into submission with sudo apt-cdrom add)

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