Anthony Brohan
I know that this question has been ansewerd many times
though, whenever I go to google.com/ca it waits about 5
minutes then says scearch page cannot be displayed, the
same problem occours when i search through msn. I have
tried pinging through MS DOS though I get "request
denied". Also I have used the fix that was going around,
though that didn't work.
I surrender to the evil gods of the internet
Anthony Brohan
I know that this question has been ansewerd many times
though, whenever I go to google.com/ca it waits about 5
minutes then says scearch page cannot be displayed, the
same problem occours when i search through msn. I have
tried pinging through MS DOS though I get "request
denied". Also I have used the fix that was going around,
though that didn't work.
I surrender to the evil gods of the internet
Anthony Brohan