Downloaded RC1 yesterday, got PC-cillin updating(for the first time I might
add!!) Everything running so far,well that is apart from I can't get any
connections with the Xbox 360 (which funnily enough I have managed before!!)
So I am abandoning any set up of XBox 360 for now, as I don't want to upset
other stuff. Love it! Also I chose the Home premium edition, which I know is
not the same as we all tried in June (ultimate) and didn't get asked for a
key when registering ?????So how long can I expect it to last??
add!!) Everything running so far,well that is apart from I can't get any
connections with the Xbox 360 (which funnily enough I have managed before!!)
So I am abandoning any set up of XBox 360 for now, as I don't want to upset
other stuff. Love it! Also I chose the Home premium edition, which I know is
not the same as we all tried in June (ultimate) and didn't get asked for a
key when registering ?????So how long can I expect it to last??