The computer I have been destroying was doing the same thing. Lots > of people saidpower supply. I changed it and it did the same thing. I
also change ram, video card, and hard drive. I unpluggedd the sound
card, floppy and cd. It still did that. Last thing I did was remove
the 700mhz CPU and replaced it with the 400mhz one that came with
the coomputer. It ran fine for a while then once aggain it would not
start .
Shotgunning is what so many 'computer experts' do since an A+
Certified Tech need not even know how electricity works. Things that
many computer repairmen do not even know. The power supply 'system'
is more than just a power supply. The 'system' has other components.
Replace a supply and still that power supply 'system' is defective.
Learn how to identify a defective power supply 'system' - all parts
of it - in but two minutes. Procedure posted in "When your computer
dies without warning....." starting 6 Feb 2007 in the newsgroup
alt.windows-xp at:
Don - no one can answer your questions except by speculating. You
have provided insufficient information. However the question is
easily answered IF you provide numbers from that procedure. Your
replies will be only as useful as the information you post.
Notice so many who are experts only because they speculate. Replace
power supply. nunofurbusin... then kept replacing other parts with no
solution. Again, the naive can be certified without even knowing how
electricity works. Two minutes with the meter will either identify a
suspect OR provide numbers so that the better informed can answer.
Currently, knowledgeable talent can tell you nothing useful - no
numbers provided. Numbers recorded both before AND when power switch
is pressed.
Solving problems by wild speculation is called shotgunning. The
informed repairman identifies a suspect before replacing anything or
disconnecting any wire. What do they say in CSI? "Follow the
evidence." It is so easy with computer power supply 'systems'.
Harder is shotgunning. More time. More money. More labor. More
guesses. Symptoms cured rather than problems solved. Get the meter.
Use the procedure. Then post back even if numbers appear to be good -
because they might not be. Those numbers may report things you did
not even know. No numbers means the better informed cannot assist.