No Pen and Very Slow Slide Show

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I'm running PPT 2007 with Windows XPpro and having no luck getting the pen
to draw....I'm only getting the arrow icon. When I try to click onto the
pen, I then have to wait forever for any response to escape or clicks. I
wait for minutes literally.

My hardware acceleration is off, I have a default Lexmark printer
driver...Is there anything I can do to get this to work? I also had bought a
program to update all my drivers...they are all updated now and still the
problem persists.

I still have ppt 2003 and had no trouble with it---I may just go back to
using it!

Someone...please help!
JH said:
I'm running PPT 2007 with Windows XPpro and having no luck getting the pen
to draw....I'm only getting the arrow icon. When I try to click onto the
pen, I then have to wait forever for any response to escape or clicks. I
wait for minutes literally.

My hardware acceleration is off, I have a default Lexmark printer
driver...Is there anything I can do to get this to work? I also had
bought a
program to update all my drivers...they are all updated now and still the
problem persists.

Wow, you've definitely done your research!

Just a question about hardware acceleration. Do you mean you have it
unchecked in Slide Show | Set up Slide Show, or did you actually move the
slider all the way to the left as described at ?

If the latter, you might try moving it a click at a time to the right --
there may be a middle ground that helps with this.

Also, you might try disabling your antivirus program. And make sure to also
disable any Office plug-ins the antivirus might have. (You need to do this
before disabling the A/V. Sometimes these Office plug-ins don't stop even
when you've disabled the A/V program itself.) Here's a bit of info on how
to do this with Norton Antivirus:

You're not running PPT 2007 on a virtual machine, are you?