No option to turn off preview

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When I capture video there is no checkbox to turn off the preview. I want to
do this to save resources. I am running WMM version 2.1.4026.0

I don't think its on the capture page. I THINK the option box comes up when
you are going through the capture wizard and giving your incoming video a
file name. I always leave it on, and don't look for it but I know I've seen
it. Once you get to the page where you are going to control your camera and
capture, I think your out of luck.


I actually found a tutorial online and its the 3rd screen in the capture
wizard. On the page with capture method (tape manually or all at once), at
the bottom is the box to show preview during capture.

I still don't see it. Here is what happens when I click "capture from video
First screen - "Video Capture Device". Here I choose the audio device, video
input source, and audio input source.
Second Screen - "Capture Video File". Here I specify the name and the place
to save the captured video file.
Third screen - "Video Setting". Only 2 of the 3 radio button are available
(DV is grayed out because I have an analog device). Click either the "Best
Quality For PLayback" or "Other Settings" radio button does not produce the
checkbox to turn off preview.
Fourth screen - "Capture Video". Here I can start and stop the actual video
capture. There are 3 checkboxes for "create clips", "mute speakers", and
"capture time limit"

That's it. I'd really like to figure this out but I have looked all over and
not found a resolution.
In case you are still monitoring this thread, I found my problem. The
ability to turn off the preview window is only when capturing video from a
DV. My camera is just a Sony Hi8. Too bad. Maybe in the next version of MM. I
wish MS would hurry up and release it.