No. of Files per folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anish Gupte
  • Start date Start date
What is the max number of files that can be created in a

I forget the number but it is very very large. You will however have
reduced performance when you have millions of files in a single folder.
You can do things like disable 8.3 name creation to increase
performance. However when you will have very large numbers of files I
would spread them across multiple directories.

Leonard Severt

Windows 2000 Server Setup Team
Hi there....

I have had a folder with 360.000 files on a Windows 2000
Filecluster. I can't recommend it, because we experienced
that the server would freeze for 10-20 seconds, whenever
a user saved or accessed a file from the folder.

We have now moved the files to another folder-structure
where we have max 500 files in each folder.

I guess it will work ok if you keep the amount of files
below 200.000-250.000.
This is really the best way to approach these questions. While we do test
the filesystems to extremes, those extremes are for correctness and can't
address absolute performance for applications. There is only so much you can
do if an application (UI element, etc.) wants to enumerate the entire
directory each time it does a common operation, and so forth. You have to
come up with the right answer for your case.

The tested number was 20,000,000 for Windows 2000. There actually is no
theoretical upper limit, other than disk size.

Dan Lovinger
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Skøtt" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:24 AM
S&ubject: No. of Files per folder