As Cor suggested, do it as it makes sense for your app. Design for
correctness first, I normally only address performance problems in those
routines that have proven via profiling to have performance issues...
Remember you can define DataRelations between DataTables within a single
DataSet, you cannot define a DataRelation between two DataSets.
I would probably define an Order Dataset, that included the Customer
information for that Order. However I may also have a Customer Dataset that
contained the complete set of customers. In other words the
OrderDataSet.Customer table would have a single row, while the
CustomerDataSet.Customer table would have multiple rows. You can use
DataTable.ImportRow to copy a row from CustomerDataSet to OrderDataSet...
Hope this helps
markerussell said:
I have a question, in that if i have an application is it better to have
one dataset per data adapter, ie daCustomerTable -> dsCustomer, daOrders ->
dsOrders etc. or to say have a couple of dataset one to hold static
information and the other to hold transactional information like orders. Is
there a memory overhead having one -> one relationship or having a static
and transactional dataset more efficient ?