I have four PC's connected together in a home network.
One PC, an IBM 300PL desktop, runs Win2k Pro and it works just fine.
Another one, an IBM NetVista desktop running WinXP Home, also works
fine. But I am having intermittent problems with the other two PC's.
One is an old Compaq Presario desktop that runs Win 98 SE, and the
other one is a new Dell Inspirion Notebook computer that also runs
WinXP Home.
They are all connected together via a Netgear MR814 V2 wireless
router. All except the notebook are connected to their NIC cards with
cables, and the notebook uses a Dell True Mobile WLAN card. The Win98
PC uses a D-LInk DI530 NIC.
The problem is that after I reboot either the notebook computer or the
Compaq, not always but often when I first try to connect to the
Internet I get an error message that says that there is no network
connection available. It gives me the choice of either trying again or
canceling. When I try again it always connects the second time. If the
first thing I do is try some other app that needs a net connection
such instant messaging or my IRC client, it simply does not connect
and I am forced to open my web browser first, then go through the
above mentioned routine where I have to try again to get a connection.
Once I get connected, then it's fine until I reboot again. Then the
problem may or may not happen again.
If either PC goes into the sleep mode, there is no problem. It only
happens after a reboot.
This has me puzzled. As far as I know my settings are exactly the same
on the PC's that don't have this problem.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank a lot.
One PC, an IBM 300PL desktop, runs Win2k Pro and it works just fine.
Another one, an IBM NetVista desktop running WinXP Home, also works
fine. But I am having intermittent problems with the other two PC's.
One is an old Compaq Presario desktop that runs Win 98 SE, and the
other one is a new Dell Inspirion Notebook computer that also runs
WinXP Home.
They are all connected together via a Netgear MR814 V2 wireless
router. All except the notebook are connected to their NIC cards with
cables, and the notebook uses a Dell True Mobile WLAN card. The Win98
PC uses a D-LInk DI530 NIC.
The problem is that after I reboot either the notebook computer or the
Compaq, not always but often when I first try to connect to the
Internet I get an error message that says that there is no network
connection available. It gives me the choice of either trying again or
canceling. When I try again it always connects the second time. If the
first thing I do is try some other app that needs a net connection
such instant messaging or my IRC client, it simply does not connect
and I am forced to open my web browser first, then go through the
above mentioned routine where I have to try again to get a connection.
Once I get connected, then it's fine until I reboot again. Then the
problem may or may not happen again.
If either PC goes into the sleep mode, there is no problem. It only
happens after a reboot.
This has me puzzled. As far as I know my settings are exactly the same
on the PC's that don't have this problem.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank a lot.